Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Scents for Springtime | Marc Jacob's Daisy Perfume Giveaway!

marc jacobs daisy perfume
Spring has arrived! Although a storm is on its way here in Southern California, I'm mentally preparing for sunny days and dreaming up a Spring bucket list. There is something particularly special about the arrival of Spring... it always feels like a new beginning. It's the perfect time to reassess New Year's resolutions (and maybe get started on them if you've fallen a little behind!), tie up loose ends, and get organized.

I also like to believe that just like in nature, we bloom in the Spring as well...that creativity begins to flow, new ideas begin to form, and we grow into ourselves even more 🌸
marc jacobs daisy perfume

In celebration of the arrival of Spring, I'm giving away a rollerball perfume of my  f a v o r i t e  Springtime scent: Marc Jacob's Daisy. To enter, leave a comment and tell me your favorite thing about Spring! 

Wishing you a gorgeous season πŸ’•



  1. I love the temperature most of all!

    1. Yes! Sunny days and Spring breezes are so lovely! πŸ’•

  2. This is such a lovely post! Your theory on how we have a springtime in our lives when it comes so gorgeous! Spring is my very favourite season, everything seems to feel fresh, magical and exciting again, every time it rolls around. I love so much about this time of year, from re-reading favourites like Anne of Green Gables to wearing spring dresses again, but the thing I love the most would have to be the blushing blooms on all the fruit trees <3.

    Love, Gwyn

    1. Hi Gwyn! Everything does seem to feel fresh and exciting again, doesn't it? I also feel that way about summer. I think it's something about the sunshine ☀️πŸ’•I agree that the blooms are the best part! 🌸

  3. Dear Hayley,

    This post is marvelous.

    My favorite thing about Spring is: first - the scents and colors that reborn once again;
    second - seeing the flowers embraced the Nature one more time.

    Wishing you a memorable season.

    With love,
    Rachel πŸ’•

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I love Spring flowers too 🌸Happy Spring to you!

  4. The colors popping up all around, fresh scents in the air, dreaming of wearing my breezy floral dresses again.

    1. The prettiest signs of this season! Happy Spring to you, Alia! 🌸

  5. Spring is such a magical time of renewal! I love the transition from cool to warm and seeing all the blossoms trying to come up! I agree it’s definitely the perfect time to reassess and make sure your goals are on point and to get some much needed spring cleaning done. ;-) it definitely doesn’t feel like Spring yet here in the MidWest but here’s hoping it shows up soon!

    Happy Spring!

    - K. Grace

    1. Isn't it?! I love the feeling of a fresh start! I hope sunny Spring days come your way soon! ☀️πŸ’•

  6. My favorite thing about spring in Florida are the cloudless days, and the way they make the green leaves on the trees Pop! I'm finding myself a little more creative this spring too <3

    1. That's lovely, Elizabeth! The sunshine has been sparking my creativity this season too! It's wonderful!

  7. I love seeing everything become green and colorful again! In the house that I grew up in, we had two big trees in the front yard and every spring before we drove to school, my mom, my sister, and I would look at the trees every morning to see who could spot the first green leaf of the season first. I also love seeing the flowers come back! I miss them during the winter!

    1. What a beautiful memory, Elisabeth!! I also adore the Spring blooms -- they're probably my favorite part of the season πŸŒΈπŸ’•


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