Thursday, February 22, 2018

Moments of Nostalgia // I ❤️The 90's

Nostalgia: A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, especially for a period or place with happy personal associations... 
90s and 2000s music
I've had a nostalgic heart for as long as I can remember. I think that's part of the reason I love writing so much. It's almost as though once you record a memory in writing, it becomes everlasting. Over the years, I've recognized different ways to remember things I don't want to forget. Every time I experience a moment that I want to hold in my heart forever, I close my eyes and take everything in. I quickly memorize all that's around me, whether it's a cool breeze or the creak of wooden floors, the way the summer sunshine feels across my skin or the sparkle in a pair of beautiful eyes looking into mine. Because I've always done my best to preserve memories, walks down memory lane are quite frequent for me. I often peak inside my old memory box filled with concert tickets, birthday cards, and movie stubs and I often listen to my favorite childhood songs. 
90s and 2000s music
Like most other little girls that grew up in the 90's, I knew every word to "As Long As You Love Me," idolized Lizzie McGuire, and was convinced that Aaron Carter would be my boyfriend one day. As silly as it was, I still cherish those innocent moments and admittedly still know every word to "As Long As You Love Me" and countless other 90's songs.

As a nostalgic soul, it comes as no surprise that I love visiting old antique and thrift shops. Although I enjoy browsing through the china and other story-ridden treasures, you'll likely find me heading to the CD section first. There's a special spot at one of my favorite downtown thrift stores with a trove of 90's and early 2000's albums. Every so often I come across an album that I had always wanted as a little girl and excitedly purchase it (for 99 cents no less!) as if I'm 7 years old again.

Every time I walk out of that downtown shop with an old favorite CD in hand, I'm reminded that:

Memories have the unique power to touch your heart and even transport you, years and years after they were made...To me, that's magic. 
90s and 2000s music
Tell me, what makes you wistful for the past? To spread the nostalgia, I'm giving away a few albums (one of them being the *NSYNC & Britney Spears album pictured above) that I'm quite positive will bring any 20-something year old back to their childhood days. I can't wait to hear about your special memories ❤️


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Celebrating Love

valentine's day cake
See's Chocolate raspberry heart | Available here 
Happy Almost-Valentine's Day, sweet friends! If you know me, it may not come as a surprise to you that I absolutely  l o v e  this holiday. It's the perfect opportunity to indulge in baked goods, watch your favorite movies, and give thoughtful gifts to loved ones. Every year, without fail, as I excitedly celebrate Valentine's season (which includes sending out cards to so many of you that I've met on Instagram!), I come across countless social media posts and hear comments from my real-life friends that are less than delighted. "I can't stand Valentine's Day. It reminds me that I'm single."

valentine's day cake
Floral banner by Rifle Paper Co. | Available here
To me, Valentine's Day is about celebrating all types of love. It's an opportunity to show the special people in your life that you love them, regardless of your relationship status. (And it's a really great excuse to indulge in heart-shaped chocolate, am I right?)

valentine's day cake
This morning, as I was preparing a few Valentine's gifts, I decided it would be fun to make a cake as a little pre-celebration of the holiday. So, I got out a Funfetti cake mix and made a cake out of the sheer joy baking brings me. There are so many simple ways to celebrate this fun holiday whether it's baking on a whim or treating yourself to that perfect shade of lipstick you've had your eye on. Here are a few of my favorite ways to celebrate...
valentine's day cake

Celebrating Love

1. Send Valentine's cards. There is something so much more personal and thoughtful about writing words pen to paper rather than typing them on a phone or computer. Plus, there are so many adorable cards this time of year to choose from!
2. Get yourself a gift. Whether you are single or in a relationship, there is always room to treat yourself. Glitter Guide has named February their month of self-love. They have so many wonderful self-love ideas among a variety of other kinds of inspiration!
3. Have a movie marathon. Watch the films you love back to back with your favorite treats and a few friends. 
4. Put together a thoughtful gift for a loved one. Anthropologie has a beautiful Valentine's Day gift guide.
5. Write yourself a love letter. Include all the things you love about yourself and your life as a beautiful reminder of how fortunate you are ❤️

valentine's day cake
Tell me, how are you celebrating love this Valentine's Day? Leave a comment & let me know! I'll be choosing a comment and sending the poster a special heart-shaped surprise ❤️

Wishing you a magical February 14th!


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