Happy Halloween! I can't believe it's already here. To be honest, I feel as though every time I've sat down to write this year, I scribble the date down and find myself in awe of how quickly time is passing. In my last post, I described how bittersweet it was to say goodbye to summer as it was filled with memories I'll cherish f o r e v e r. Although autumn hasn't been as eventful as summer was, it has still been so enjoyable...such a beautiful time to reflect on the past months as well as daydream about next year (not-so-subtle-hint: I'm excitedly preparing to release music very soon ♥).
I've always quite enjoyed Halloween - I mean, who wouldn't love the idea of dressing up for a night and having an excuse to eat all the candy your heart desires, right? However, as much as I enjoy the holiday, I've never gotten too into planning my costume, usually throwing something together at the last minute (I think I've been a cat about 5 times, ha!). This year I came across this sparkly flapper dress at the costume store and thought it would be so much fun to wear.
The old soul that I am, I'm pretty sure I've had an obsession with almost all the decades at some point and imagined what it would have been like to grow up during each of them...but I've always been particularly drawn to the glamour of the 20's. The style was so classy and ornate - I love little details, especially when they're sparkly ✨
I also love red lipstick (I would wear it every day if I could!) so I of course was glad this costume called for it - Besame's "Noir" shade is gorgeous.
And just like that, tomorrow is N o v e m b e r ! I can't wait to see what kind of memories it will hold. But for now, I'll be enjoying the holiday, all dressed up with the excuse to eat all the candy my heart desires :) I would love to hear about your costume - tell me all about it!